
Showing posts from 2013

Server Fine Tuning Scripts

Provides a instant view of running resource usage https://community.rackspace. com/products/f/25/t/647 Apache Tuning scripts gusmaskowitz/apachetuner (bash script) gusmaskowitz/ (perl script that supercedes apachetuner) MySQL Tuning script MySQLTuner-perl Resource usage logging recap

Capistrano Deployment in Rails 3 (via the rvm-capistrano gem)

Go to your project path. Add   gem 'rvm-capistrano' to your Gemfile Run bundle install for installing the gem Run the command  capify . This will create [add] writing './Capfile' [add] writing './config/deploy.rb' [done] capified! Modify the setting in your ./config/deploy.rb, sample settings is provided below  require "rvm/capistrano" set :application, "My Test App" # Your application name set :domain, "" # Domain name for your app set :repository, "" # The code repository url set :user, "test_user" # The ssh user that has access to your server default_run_options[:pty] = true set :use_sudo, false set :scm, :git set :deploy_via, :remote_cache set :deploy_to, "/home/test/test_project_production" # Server path to which the code is to be deployed role :web, domain # Your HTTP...