
Showing posts from September, 2010

How to pull changes in one branch to another branch in GIT

git fetch origin git checkout branch_name1    (The branch you need to update) git pull origin branch_name2   (From which branch you need to update, if you need to update from master use master. Actually master can be also considerd as a branch)

How to create a branch in GIT

Clone the current git repository: git clone Go to the cloned directory: cd test git checkout -b test_branch master   (Switched to a new branch test_branch") To check if the branch exist issue the command git branch   you could get an out put like * test_branch master git push origin test_branch (Now you can see the new branch in your git hub)

GIT installation on Windows and Generating SSH keys

Download msysgit .  Double click on the .exe  Once installed, when I click the Windows button and type git (since I’m using Windows 7) I'll see 'Git Bash', 'Git Gui', 'Uninstall Git'.  Click 'Git Bash' .  Once I have the git bash open, I run 'git –version'  to make sure everything is working: Generating the Secure Shell (aka SSH) Keys If you have an existing keypair you wish to use, you can skip this step . Now it’s time to generate a new keypair. Lets make an RSA keypair: $ ssh-keygen -t rsa  -C "" Enter  the file name as id_rsa   Enter  the passphrase Confirm your passphrase You have generated two files id_rsa and Copy these two files( id_rsa and ) to the .ssh folder (found in the present working directory)  Now copy the key in the file and add it to your Github account. To test the w...

Ruby on Rails Installation on Windows 7

Get Ruby and the Development kit from here (this is one click installer) by default you install Ruby and Ruby Gems Next is to set the system environment variable. Quickest way: Open the control panel, search for 'environment', then click ' edit the system environment variables ' , and add the bin(c:\Ruby 187\bin) after a semicolon to the 'Path' variable.          Now type ruby -v in cmd prompt, you could see the ruby version installed. Our next aim is to install Rails. use gem install rails --include-dependencies . Check your rails version too rails -v . You could see the latest rails version installed. Installing Rmagick and ImageMagick. Download the rmagick-win32 package (zip file) . Install the gem by going into the directory it’s extracted into and then executing this: gem install rmagick-2.10.0-x86-mswin32.gem Then install ImageMagick itself, with the .exe that you just extracted as well. Getting started with a samp...